I'm this man, next to that crime connoisseur I've been a cheat, I've been a lie, call me names, For, my thief operates phases, via a face, for all Nail me to my cross, I'm set to take my blames. Again, my love, Let me bring from mile, your smile. If it's worth sinned, it's worth punished, really But remember, heavens dance over a sole rebirth, Here is my hands, sustain it, lest it get weary That later, I might use to cuddle you, like a belt. Again, my love, Draw me close, you have my oath. Long ago, I claimed strong, now sit I helplessly Come, my requested rib, come fill me in an hurry, All that my heart sings, is your name -honestly Come back, or is it too late now to say “sorry"? Again, my love, Let me blunt your tears I brought. My heart beats like am on a track of a rear race Perhaps, by night, to an unmapped place it'll fly, Lest my exit shall shun some suns and their rays Let not those tarrying trees out wave you “bye...