We're nothing, but sheep
Zero-mercies shepherds fenced,
Those which bold broken lines
Fighting to possess positions,
Across their squeezed faces.
Before, after And round our paths
A tormenting slash smiles at us,
The deafening silence whistle
A call to track in agony,
By force, we take each every steps.
Towards a place of no soil
Hastily we pick our rough race,
With our disgusting wants
Till our tiny thin body,
Could hold no more our huge head.
Like a jammed up transporter;
Our body is tired of wall combats,
Our spirits is dying from webs
But yet, as strong as Aso,
Our master mind focuses forth.
Optimistically into our heavy hearing
It keeps voicing it non-verbally,
“This reckless road is almost at its dot"
“Our freedom city is just at the corner",
These, we admit to water our radiator.
Lo! Someday you shall push us to the wall
And then back- we shall turn,
With our tooth to vampires'
We shall ask for our fundamental right
When the beast in us shall arise!
© Samuel O. Ogunyinka
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